Can raccoons get through walls?
Along with being clever, intelligent, dangerous and annoying the raccoons are also known for being very expert climbers. They can easily climb up the long walls, trees and other objects as well. If you have any tree with long branches near your house you will probably have to encounter a raccoon striking inside your house or on the roof of your house. They also use their climbing abilities to collect their food and to catch their prey. Also they build up their roosting upon the trees by climbing on them. As the raccoons can cause several damages in your property so the ability of these adroit creatures should never be underestimated.
Raccoons getting through the walls
Because raccoons are very expert at climbing so they can easily get through your walls. They can smoothly climb up any object composed of almost all materials even of very long lengths. Moreover, glass is the only material that would act as the resistance towards the raccoons climbing upon them. Raccoons cannot climb up the glass material so well or sometimes they could not even climb such material at all. Getting through the walls is not a big deal for the raccoons. They would easily climb up the wall and get through it. If you have a raccoon on your roof and you are amused about him getting over there, then the two basic reasons lying behind this situation would be of that raccoon to reach your roof through any tree nearby or by climbing up the wall and getting through it. Raccoons can also dig up their holes in the walls due to which they can climb up and down the walls in your house. If you have any raccoon in your attic or basement, then it is possible for you to encounter it inside your walls. Climbing and getting through the walls made up of bricks is considered as the most easiest for the raccoons. They can enter your house by getting through your walls and maybe possibly of various diminutions.
How to spot a raccoon climbing or getting through walls
While climbing over them or getting through the walls, raccoons produce a noisy sound that could make you think about some insensible objects inside your wall. Further, these raccoons also leave the scratches of their claws on the walls that also indicate the possibility of their presence. They could also leave holes in your walls by digging into them.
Final thoughts
It is very easy and normal for the raccoons to climb up and get through the walls. They can easily make their ways through the walls and strike up at unnecessary places resulting to be the reasons behind several problems. In order to get rid of raccoons getting through your walls, you should cover your walls with some resisting material or cut down any long branches of the trees near your house that may give a path to raccoons to enter your house. Moreover, you should keep checking your attic or basement frequently so that it would not be too late to notice the presence of raccoons at your place.
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